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  • Customer Services
Weekdays : 08:00 - 19:00
Weekend : 09:00 - 18:00
Yalova : +90 226 461 3800 (pbx)
Kocaeli : +90 262 452 2222

Security Systems

Burglar Alarm Security Systems can be either wired or wirelessly. Your home, your workplace, your summer house, your warehouse and plant  Security Systems with 24-hour protection you can get. Thanks to the electronic detectors placed in the danger zone, theft attempt detected and sirens are activated.

Wired Alarm System
Wired alarm system, magnetic contacts, motion detectors, external siren and keypad on alarm panel is connected with the help of cables. In addition to the power cable from the fuse box panel box as drawn by connecting a telephone line to the alarm panel operate the alarm system is provided.

Wireless Alarm System
Wireless alarm systems and motion detectors in the magnetic contacts for connection to the alarm panel cable is not required. With aesthetic concerns often are preferred by our subscribers.
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E-mail Promotion
Yalova Bilişim Web Design
Products and services, he or she will meet with an audience of e-mail marketing allows you to perform projects
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