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Siteniz gerçekten içerik ve yönetimö paneli olarak kullanıcıların kolaylıkla işlemlerini yapmasına olanak veriyor. ayrıca en ufak bir durumda telefon ve e-mail ile hemen cevap alabiliyorum teşekkür ederim kurumumuz adına.
Teknik Persoınel (Bilg. Öğr.) / Osmaniye Yahya Mazlum Halk Eğitimi Merkezi

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  • Customer Services
Weekdays : 08:00 - 19:00
Weekend : 09:00 - 18:00
Yalova : +90 226 461 3800 (pbx)
Kocaeli : +90 262 452 2222

Fax Systems

Kocaeli Computing Solution Partnership with actfax of all incoming and outgoing faxes on the fax server to the appropriate people gathered here as e-mail or faxed automatically to provide the client screen.

Fax System Benefits:

- Incoming and Outgoing Faxes will be transferred to the electronic media
- Incoming and Outgoing Faxes can be forwarded to your e-mail address
- Time setting can be done with a batch transmission
- Reconciliation submissions can be made for Accountants
- Monthly and annual basis can be archived faxes
- To receive the output from the fax can be sent back to reengineer
- Company stamp and signature can be added to your fax
- PDF, TXT files automatically, you can fax
- It is compatible with all operating systems
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E-mail Promotion
Yalova Bilişim Web Design
Products and services, he or she will meet with an audience of e-mail marketing allows you to perform projects
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